Syfy Clueless Download

Clueless Syfy




Ratings: 7,4 / 10

Genres: Romance, Comedy

Paul Rudd

Creator: Amy Heckerling

audience score: 160875 Vote

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Alicia Silverstone has this cute little mouth curve that she does when she talks. Every time I watch this movie ( I think I am up to over 20x) it never fails that I pick up a line that I didn"t get before.
The script is fantastic and really reveals the best aspects of the cast.
Alicia is a an absolute doll and delivers her lines like she"s reading poetry. not that this a "poetic" movie per say. But the fluidity of the dialogue will definitely keep you coming back for more. Like. for sure.

Tim Burton is mah dude (love his art and quotes and use them for art inspiration. Clueless crossword. Clueless meme. Clueless quotes. Clueless emma. Clueless behind the scenes. Clueless 2. Clueless tv show. This scared me to death when I was little lol. Never trust the living. Thsi for some people is 70 for some 15.99 and for me its 3.99 huh. What are you doing step bro Im sorry Ill leave. “Sell your soul” “no” Me:thankGod??. HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THIS WAS PAUL RUDD. Clueless kissing scene. I like how its a romantic song and the dad just said “hes your step brother”. Ok beetlejuice how do you spell red. Clueless kiss. What started off as a date eating pizza ended with them going to space to kill a purple man for jewelry. Clueless calvin klein dress. What I have learned from this video is that Paul Rudd doesn"t age ??.

Clueless cher and josh. This reminds me that this November it"ll be the 15th anniversary of the first potter movie I can"t believe it"s been this long and that the last movie came out 5 years ago. Clueless outfits. Clueless scene. Honestly this song is still lit af. Clueless 1995. Clueless white guy orders in perfect chinese. Clueless full movie free. Clueless ending. Clueless soundtrack. Anyone else watching this and then looking at their closet not wanting to go near it.

One time she punched me in the face... It was awesome -Stans. Clueless cats. Cluelass. 4:23 When I get called on in class and wasnt paying attention. Clueless film. Clueless halloween costume. Clueless dress scene. Clueless online free. All the dislikes bc you have to pay.


Clueless the musical. I enjoy this movie on several levels - the music - the characters - the vocabulary. Amy Heckerling said that the movie actually introduced new slang into the American teenager vernacular. As If! Whatever!
The main character, Cher, is a rather spoiled Beverly Hills 16 year old who always has a good heart trying to help others. You can"t help but like her. Even scenes that normally shouldn"t be funny are funny such as the time Cher is left in Simi Valley.
I have watched this 5 times in the last week. You"ll love Cher, De, Amber, Josh. Travis.
As you follow the characters you"ll learn what Betties, Barnies, Monets are.

OMG MEG. I FORGOT SHE EXISTED BUT SHE WAS MY LIFE WHEN I WAS LIKE 11. IM SO HAPPY I FOUND YOU AGAIN. Clueless movie cast. I"m pretty sure Josh always liked her from the start like how when he poked at her belly and told her she was filling out, it was just an excuse to touch her??. i want a josh????. Clueless characters. Clueless 123 movie. Clueless tik tok. OMG I NEVER REALIZED JOSH WAS PLAYED BY PAUL RUDD WHAT THE HECK. His eyes hypnotize me... So I didnt buy this yet Im here to ask if the beetle juice movie is a musical? ??. Theres an Amazon accessory that has that ability.

Clueless costume. 2019 anyone? ????‍??. Clueless synonym. Clueless as if scene. Clueless game. Clueless netflix. 2:40 when captain America said black widow was patriotic.

If anyone wants to know what the background music is its david kitay - cher and josh


Clueless drive. Clueless cher. Clueless google drive. Clueless best moments.

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7.6/ 10stars